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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent 

Our curriculum is rooted in our school’s Christian identity and reflects our values and vision.  Thorough academic learning is balanced and enriched by a wide variety of creative, sporting and musical experiences.  We aspire to give all our pupils the opportunities, skills and knowledge to have the best possible chance in life.


Pupils learn best when they are happy, confident and interested. They are supported and challenged by staff through a variety of teaching methods to make connections between different subjects and link this to their own life experiences and prior knowledge. In this way knowledge is retained and learning becomes secure and embedded. Misconceptions are closely monitored and children receive effective and timely feedback. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and identify their own mistakes, rectifying them where possible and appropriate.

Staff have excellent subject knowledge, which is constantly being developed, and they use this effectively to motivate all children. They ensure that the learning environment is attractive, stimulating and conducive to the development of knowledge, skills and concepts. 

The curriculum is thoroughly enriched with a broad range and variety of trips, visitors and engaging experiences both within lessons, throughout the day and extra-curricular activities to enhance pupil provision. Pupils are regularly encouraged to explore their creativity and imagination through diverse music, sports and art projects and experiences.

Formative and summative assessment are regularly used to inform teacher judgements of attainment and progress allowing staff to identify any gaps and provide suitable levels of intervention, support and challenge. Results are tracked and monitored through our own assessment system and then analysed by subject leaders and senior leaders. All subjects have clearly mapped out skills and knowledge progressions, so prior knowledge is effectively built upon. Marking and feedback is used effectively to further learning, set targets, praise, inform planning, correct misunderstanding, assess, recognise success and showing children next steps to improve through reflecting on comments and personal goal setting.

The whole school family work hard to motivate and inspire our pupils to prepare them for the world they live in today and for life.


As a result of our broad and rich curriculum, pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across a range of subjects, recalling and retaining facts and ideas appropriately, and, as a result, achieve well. Where relevant, this is reflected in national test results, where children meet government age related expectations. All pupils read competently and fluently to gain knowledge, understanding and for pleasure. Pupils are given the necessary skills and values to be ready for both the next stage of their education and for their future lives in the wider world. We instil all our pupils with good morals and values to enable them to become tolerant and compassionate individuals.   

The effectiveness of our curriculum design is regularly monitored and evaluated by leaders, and adjusted if necessary to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our pupils.

What will your child be studying this week, this term, this year?

Here you can find the long term plan for our curriculum for each year group.

If you have any further questions about your child's curriculum, please get in touch with their class teacher, who will be happy to answer them.