Year 6
Hello Year 6!
This page will give you an overview of what to expect in Year 6 and as always, regular updates will be sent out to inform you of any key events/diary dates.
Reading record and homework diary
The Reading Record in Year 6 serves many purposes; it has been designed to help us see how much your child reads independently or at home with yourself, to log homework and to keep a record of spellings. We do not want this to become a burden to keen readers nor put reluctant readers off, but it allows us to keep track of their progress. It is also invaluable experience for when they move to Secondary School as they are expected to keep track of work independently! This year’s reading record is also designed to last for the entire year!
Parent/carer signature at weekend |
There is a parent/guardian signature section at the end of each week which we would ask you to sign so we know you have seen what work they have been set and you can keep up to date with their weekly spelling words and scores.
Reward system
You might find that your child brings home a certificate for an excellent piece of work, kindness and consideration or for brilliant attitude, but you may also hear about the achievement merits. These are awarded in the classroom for a range of achievements; they are logged in the back of the reading record and a bronze, silver or gold certificate is given for each set of 25 merits achieved.
Three pieces are set weekly in Year 6; Maths, Spelling and Reading. The work is designed to explore, reaffirm or continue work from lessons as well as prepare the children for secondary school by developing good routines and self-discipline.
We ask that children spend no longer than 30 minutes on any one piece. If this time has been reached, then parents can add a note to say this is the case. Please also feel free to add comments to highlight areas where support has been given or ask your child to come and see us if they are unsure what to do. If a child does not hand in a piece of homework on time then a homework reminder letter will be sent home. This needs to be signed by a parent/carer, to make you aware that the work was not completed. There is also a similar letter for missing PE kit and unsigned/not up to date reading records. These are in place to act as a form of communication between teachers and parents/carers and as a reminder for the children that we are both aware. Please be aware that homework may not be set in all subjects every week. If you are unsure then check in your child’s homework diary.
Please can children bring PE kits, including trainers and an additional jumper, in to school on a Monday. These will then stay in school throughout the week in your child’s locker and be sent home on a Friday to be washed at the weekend. There will be no sharing of any kit. It is also advisable that children bring a change of socks and a light raincoat as we are often not put off by the weather! If children are not able to take part in a session due to an injury, please could you send in a note to make staff aware. All earrings should be removed or tape provided to cover them and long hair should be tied back.
In May 2025 our children will be taking their end of Key Stage SAT tests. In preparation for these, the children will be sitting practice papers over the course of the year to allow us to monitor progress, address any gaps in understanding, allow children to build test stamina.
If you have any questions or queries, please drop a call or e-mail to the office ( and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible