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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Information
Nettleham Church of England Aided Junior School

Each year, schools receive a financial support payment, calculated on the number of pupils who have been registered for free school meals (FSM) at any time during the last 6 years. This payment is known as the 'Pupil Premium' (FSM is the means for calculating the amount of Pupil Premium allocated to the school and is not necessarily a limiting factor as to who benefits from it.).

Its purpose is to provide schools with additional resources, outside of the school budget, to deal with inequalities for families with differing/challenging incomes. Such circumstances can often lead to poor educational and social outcomes.

It is the school's duty to decide how best to invest this money to support pupils within its responsibility and to report how the money is spent to school stakeholders, including Governors and parents.

How applying for free school meals supports your child and the school:

It is a real shame that, both nationally and at our school, many children and families are eligible for free school meals but do not receive one.  The reason for this usually falls into one of 4 categories:

  • The parents are unaware of the fact that they are eligible for this support;
  • They feel uncomfortable approaching the school for support in an application;
  • They have received notification that their entitlement has ended and not re-applied;
  • They worry that children will be aware that their child receives a free meal.

The benefits of free school meals are immense; a warm nutritious meal daily, an average monthly saving of £40 per child, and removal of the hassle of making packed lunches each day.  In addition, schools receive additional funding for the number of pupils receiving free school dinners, which in turn contributes to better resources and opportunities for the wider school.  The benefits are mutual.

Applying for the scheme is easy and confidential; pupils are not aware of who has free meals (indeed they need not know themselves).

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:

  • Income Support;
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance;
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance;
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit;
  • Child Tax Credit 
  • Working Tax Credit run-on 
  • Universal Credit

Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.

Please help us to help you!  We want you to receive all the support available and actively encourage you to apply.  If you are unsure if you are entitled, please ask or download the form from the school website.  We can provide support completing the forms if you would like us to.

Attached is the 2024-25 Pupil Premium strategy which outlines our spending in this area, the rationale of this spending and an assessment of the impact of this area of our work.