W/C 6th July 2020
Year 3 Weekly Update Week commencing 6th July 2020
Hello Year 3! We hope you are all well and that you are enjoying distance learning. We have seen some lovely work over the last few weeks and would love to see lots more! Don’t forget, you can send it to Year3@Nettleham-Junior.Lincs.sch.uk for us to admire and we’ll add it to the Gallery.
Below are some suggested tasks for this week. Please be aware that some of these resources are on our school website and some you will need to create yourself. Take them as far as you would like to, but don’t forget to keep practising your skills to move forwards with your learning.
English |
Spelling |
Maths |
3TS and 3B – We have enjoyed reading your King Arthur stories and looking at the fabulous castles you have made – all very individual! We hope you enjoyed the King Arthur topic. This week we are starting a new English topic – Nonsense Poetry. We will be looking at a famous example of nonsense poetry called ‘The Jabberwocky’ by Lewis Carroll ( He also wrote Alice in Wonderland!). We would like you to read or ask someone to read the poem to you. Can you imagine what the ‘Jabberwock’ might look like? Decide which words describe the beast then we would like you to draw a picture of the ‘Jabberwock’ - make sure your beast is colourful. We would also like you to underline all the ‘nonsense’ words - try and work out what they might mean. Could you replace the words with sensible ones? These links will help you Please send your pictures to We look forward to seeing your ‘Jabberwock’ pictures! Religious Education This term we would have been learning about Hinduism. The BBC Bitesize website has an interesting ‘Introduction to Hinduism’ (30th April) where you can learn about what Hindus believe, where they worship and some important deities. Watch it here: |
Please use Spelling Shed to practise – we’ve uploaded this week’s words. Miss Booth’s Spelling Group – Please keep learning and testing yourselves on the Year 4 words. Use silly sentences or mnemonics to help you learn tricky ones, think about the spelling patterns and break words down into easier chunks. Remember to use the ‘Fun Ways to Practise Spellings’ sheet to help you. Miss Thompson’s Group – Word families based on common words. Mrs Stephens’ Group – Mrs Wicks’ Group – ‘il and al’ stepping stones activity Fun ways to practice spellings Reading Reading to and listening to your child read is so important. Please could you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. The reading material can be anything from books, comics, game instructions to food labelling. This can still be recorded in your child’s reading record and initialled. Grammar The BBC Bitesize website has some fun, useful lessons which the children can enjoy – Have a look at ‘Nonsense Poetry’ this week (17th June) at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv3v6g8 If you want to challenge yourself even further you can also look at ‘What is a Limerick?’ to really polish up your skills! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4mmn39/articles/zw3yw6f |
Miss Thompson’s Maths Group Have a look at the White Rose home learning page https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ and please complete the lessons for Summer week 11 (Mass and Capacity) each day. Please also practice your 12x table. You could use Maths Shed to help you. Miss Booth’s Maths Group Have a look at the White Rose home learning page https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ and please complete the lessons for Summer week 11 (Mass and Capacity) each day. You could also go back over any White Rose or BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons to get more practise, or try the Bitesize Weekly Challenges! Remember to practice your times tables and addition/subtraction facts. You could use Maths Shed to help you do this! Please note – White Rose worksheets and videos are available on the school website HERE |
Extra Request This is a very special time of year because both teachers and children look back over the year and think about all the good things that have happened and all the progress that has been made. The children normally write a few paragraphs about how their year has been to go in their reports. As it is not possible for us to do this with the children this year, could you talk to your child about their year instead? I have attached a prompt sheet to help. |
Geography |
Science |
PE |
The Bishop’s Palace After reading the information and visiting the site, you know a lot more about the Bishop’s Palace in Nettleham now! The history of the site is quite complicated, so you might like to act out this playscript with people at home to help you understand more clearly. If you have any props like crowns, swords or royal cloaks you could use them to make it more fun! If you can, visit the Palace again. This time take this plan of the site with you. It shows all the mounds and ditches. Can you identify where the quarry and limekiln were, and where the main entrance to the Palace used to be WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE SITE INFORMATION BOARDS? Use these boards afterwards to see if you were right! |
Light and Shadows This week we would like you to explore the shadows made by different objects. Can you remember the three words we use to describe whether light can pass through an object or not? Have a think! (The answers will be on the sheet.) This activity will involve predicting your results then testing to see if you were right! All of your instructions are here: |
In school we have been completing the daily live workout by Joe Wicks at 9 – 9:30am. It’s a great way to start the day. You can always catch up with the live recordings later or look at his 5 or 8 minute workouts on his YouTube Channel You may also want to look at doing some children’s Yoga to give a peaceful moment to your day. https://awakeandmindful.com/best-kids-yoga-videos-on-youtube/
Other ideas:
Take the time to read a good book. Why not find an article on Newsround (https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround) and have a chat with a parent/carer about it to find out their point of view. Don’t forget, if you want more ideas for things to do, there are a whole range of activities on the school website. There are also lots of links to other websites, broadcasts, and resources for you to make the most of. We have particularly been enjoying David Walliams weekday stories and having Audible, full of lots of great e-books/audio books, available for free. There’s also the weekly Lego challenge on the school website, we look forward to seeing the results. |
Note for parents/carers:
We have had lots of very positive feedback from children completing their work at home and it has been great to see the fruits of their labours via e-mail.
Also do remember that we can print out worksheet packs for you to collect from school.
Don’t forget, you can always share work with us using Year3@Nettleham-Junior.Lincs.sch.uk or you could create a scrap book of all your child’s work as a record of their home school learning.