School Meals
All orders, including free school meals orders, should be placed via the Good Lookin' Cookin' app.
Please kindly downloaded their Good Lookin' Cookin' app and set up an account as all meal orders will need to be made online.
You will have until 11am every Thursday to place your orders for the following week.
If you experience any problems or have any queries and need to get in touch with staff from Good Lookin' Cookin' please email or or telephone 01522 500779.
The cost of a day’s meal – two courses – is £2.50. If your child is ill, then it is possible to obtain a refund by contacting Good Lookin' Cookin' by 9am to arrange a credit.
If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, these should still be ordered online using their app.
Free School Meals
Please note: Universal Infant Free School Meals end once your child is in year 3. Entitlement to free school meals only applies if you meet certain income criteria. Pupil premium does not automatically entitle you to Free School Meals.
If you feel you may be entitled to free school meals, full details can be found at The relevant documentation is also linked below.
If you have applied for Free School Meals please let us know by email