"Welcome to the governor pages - here you’ll find details regarding of members of the governing body, together with information about the various committees we run. As governors we’re charged with setting the strategic direction of the school and with holding Mr Gibbons accountable for the performance of the school. In a nutshell these are our rather formal (and entirely necessary) statutory obligations; on a rather less formal note we’re all committed, together with all of our staff, to ensuring that the school continues to provide fantastically rich and diverse educational experiences for all our children. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any comments or queries relating to these pages or any aspect of the governance of our school.”
- Chair of Governors
Foundation Governors (Representing the Church)
David Subden (Chair of Governors) 27.11.2021 - 26.11.2025
Mr Subden is also a Governor at William Farr School
Sally Coulter 13.11.2021 - 12.11.2025
Nigel West 6.4.2024 – 5.4.2028
Chris Higham 6.4.2024 – 5.4.2028
Sylvia Parkinson 2.11.2021 - 1.11.2025
(three Foundation Governor vacancies: seeking applicants - please contact the PCC if you would like to stand)
Nominated and Elected (Representing the Community)
Heather Payne (Vice-Chair of Governors) Local Authority Governor 18.5.2023 - 17.5.2027
Judy Stephens Staff Governor 26.11.2021 - 25.11.2025
Saumya Hebbar Parent Governor 01.11.2022- 31.10.2026
David Gilliatt Parent Governor 24.9.2020 - 23.9.2024
Michelle McKinnon Parent Governor 19.01.2022 - 18.01.2026
Ex Officio
David Gibbons (Head Teacher)
Rev. Michelle Webb (Nettleham All Saints Church)
Clerk to the Governors Salina West
Each Committee will meet at least once per term or otherwise as required. The Agenda will be agreed by Chair with clerk and head teacher. The agenda and relevant documents will be sent to committee members before the meeting. The Committee will keep a record of all meetings. The meetings will be minuted by the clerk. The minutes will highlight questions asked by the governors to support and challenge the school. A summary report (oral or written) highlighting key issues will be an agenda item on the following Full Governing Body agenda. The Committee may invite other governors or people with expertise to attend as it finds necessary.
Resources Committee:
Chris Higham, Heather Payne, Judy Stephens, Sylvia Parkinson
"The resources committee is tasked with overseeing the school’s budget and spending plans. It plays a role in monitoring the premises from a health and safety point of view and ensures the school is adequately covered from a financial point of view against unforeseen circumstances."
Personnel and Pupils Committee:
Nigel West (Chair), Saumya Hebbar, David Gilliatt, Judy Shaw and Rev'd Michelle Webb
"The Personnel and Pupils’ Committee is responsible for:
- Formulating and reviewing the school’s staffing structure;
- Reviewing and developing staffing policies;
- Reviewing and adopting Lincolnshire County Council policies as appropriate;
- Monitoring the school’s procedure for staff development;
- All other matters regarding school personnel as and when they arise."
Curriculum, Quality and Standards Committee:
Heather Payne, Sally Coulter, Michelle McKinnon and Rev'd Michelle Webb
"The CQS committee will monitor and review school provision for the assessment and tracking of pupil progress; monitor and review pupil progress and attainment by comparing school performance to national benchmarks (Dashboard, FFT) and similar schools, and identifying internal trends over time (normally 3 years); on a termly and annual basis, review specific groups such as Pupil Premium, SEND etc.; review and monitor key statutory requirements and school policies as identified in the School Policy Review plan; monitor and review any other items as directed by the Full Governing Body, for example in relation to the School Development Plan."