Spring News

Looking forward to sunny days and learning outdoors
So great to see everyone in school!
It has been really great to see so many of you over the past few weeks at school events, review meetings and parents’ evenings. There is so much to celebrate in school at the moment and it is wonderful to be able to share the fine details of how the children are getting on. Thank you so much for your support for the work we do in school; when everyone works together, the sky is the limit for the children.
Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March 2025
Following on from a really brilliant World Book Day, when the range and inventiveness of the children’s costumes was unbelievable, we have Red Nose Day this week. We have sold out of Red Noses, but children can still contribute to the fundraising by dressing in red or in an eighties theme for £1. Also, please send cakes and money in for our Red Nose Cake Sale on Friday and let's make it the best one ever!
Amazing sports teams
We are so proud that our various sports teams are competing in a range of local and county wide events including our swimming squad putting in an amazing performance at the Primary School swimming gala. Also, our Cross Country teams have begun their challenge to regain individual and retain team titles in the league of almost thirty schools.
The continuation of a wide range of extra-curricular activities to promote physical well-being - added to this, our Year sixes are running some brilliantly inventive clubs for year 3, 4 and 5 at lunchtimes.
A few reminders - parking, drop off and the playground
We ask everyone to be particularly vigilant in terms of parking and drop off of children outside school. Please do not park on any yellow lines and do drop off your children safely, not whilst the car is actually on the road as part of traffic! The police are being very vigilant on our behalf and have already begun to intervene in these situations. Thank you to the vast majority of our school community who park responsibly.
We would also ask that the school playground is a comfortable place for all children at the end of the day, so please do not bring dogs onto the playground given that some children are frightened of them. Also, if you have a younger child with you, we ask that they don't ride their cycles/ scooters in busy areas.
Updating your child's contact details
Could you please ensure that our office has your latest contact details? It is fantastic to have the technology to contact parents immediately now in the case of school closure or to discuss the children’s education and well-being. However, this does depend on us having your latest address, phone and email details.
Key Dates for the rest of the school year.
Friday 21st March - Red Nose day - dress up in red or eighties, cake sale.
Thursday 27th March – Y3 to Lincoln Cathedral
Wednesday 2nd April - Decorated Easter Egg Competition Day
Friday 4th April - School closes for the Easter Holidays at 3pm
Wednesday 23rd April - pupils return for the Summer Term
Friday 25th April - Year 5 and 6 online safety sessions in school
Monday 28th April– Year 3 and 4 online safety sessions in school
Thursday 1st May - Y3/Y4 and Y5/6 relays– Cross Country races after school
Wednesday 7th May – Y5 Trip to Leicester
Thursday 8th May - VE Day events in school
w/c 12th May – KS2 Y6 SATs week
Friday 16th May – Photographers in school – Class Photos (am)
Friday 23rd May – last day of term 5
Monday 2nd June – first day of term 6
Wednesday 4th June - Y6 at the church schools festival - Lincoln Cathedral
Thursday 5th June - Y3 Indian Experience Day
Friday 6th June – PTA Summer Fayre – 4pm-6.30pm
w/c 16th June – Kingswood visit for Y6
w/c 23rd June – Pupil Profile Review Week
Monday 23rd June Y4 Energy from waste trip
Tuesday 24th June Y4 Energy from waste trip
Wednesday 25th June – Sports Day pm
w/c 30th June – Y6 Bikeablity
Wednesday 2nd July – Move up day (including Y2s to visit for morning and spend time in classes) – am
Wednesday 16th July – Leavers’ Service – 7pm
Tuesday 22nd July – Last Day of Term 3pm finish
Thursday, 4th September 2025 - New School Year begins
With very best wishes
David Gibbons
Nettleham Church of England Aided Junior School