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End of Term News March 2021

Spring is here!

We end what has been a challenging, complex and exhausting term with the sun shining, the birds singing and our pupils making the very most of our school grounds. We really hope that this is the beginning of a wonderful Spring and Summer where we can reestablish the many routines and enrichment activities that mean so much to the whole school community.

We are really looking forward to: before and after school clubs, sports coaches, assemblies, the whole school being together, music lessons, concerts, visiting artists, authors, scientists and musicians, whole school curriculum days where the children work with different classes and different years, iSing Pop, swimming lessons, visiting the Church, parents evenings, sports days, school performances, school trips...the list goes on and on. It is amazing how much we have had to stop doing.

However our plans after Easter are 'slow, safe and steady'. We will return on 19th April 2021 with exactly the same arrangements as we have now with staggered start and finish times and the children still remaining in their class bubbles. But we will keep moving forward with a new 'outdoor classroom' meaning that children can resume whole school music lessons whatever the weather and also the return of external sports coaches during lesson time for outdoor lessons only. We'll keep a close eye on the latest government guidance and reintroduce things when the time is right.

We do have to say that we have been overwhelmed by how well the children have returned to full-time school over the past three and a half weeks. They are superb! Their positive attitude makes it a pleasure to be at Nettleham Church of England Aided Junior School and we love seeing the progress that they are making. Looking back to early January it is clear that we have all learned so much together - with staff, families and pupils really keeping up the pace of learning whether through MS Teams or in the classroom. Now it is time to take a well-earned break and we sincerely hope that you can spend some precious time with those you love.

We look forward to seeing those pupils who have signed up for the Sports Easter Camp in the week beginning 12th April and welcoming all pupils back to school on 19th April. If you have time do visit the grounds of Nettleham All Saints Church to have a look at the Stations of the Cross that our children in 6B have created. You can find a short video and some photos here: 

As already mentioned the start and finish times remain the here they are again, including for our last day of term tomorrow 31st March and the first day of term 19th April. No changes to any of these times on any day.

Class   Arriving                      Leaving                                  Entry point

3B        8.45-8.55am              3.15pm                                   Playground gate

3TS      9.00-9.10am              3.30pm                                  Playground gate

4W       9.15-9.25am              3.45pm                                   Playground gate

4GV     8.30-8.40am              3pm                                         Playground gate

5S        8.30-8.40am              3pm                                         Year 5 classroom gate

5WH    9.00-9.10am              3.30pm                                    Year 5 classroom gate

6B        9.15-9.25am              3.45pm                                   Year 5 classroom gate

6S        8.45-8.55am              3.15pm                                    Year 5 classroom gate

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter

David Gibbons