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W/C 4th May 2020

Year 3 Weekly Update              Week commencing 4th May 2020

Hello Year 3! We hope you are all well and that you are enjoying distance learning. We have seen some lovely work over the last few weeks and would love to see lots more! Don’t forget, you can send it to for us to admire and we’ll add it to the Gallery.

Below are some suggested tasks for this week. Some of these resources are on our school website and some you will need to create yourself. Take them as far as you would like to, but don’t forget to keep practising your skills to move forwards with your learning.




3TS and 3B –Informal Letters

This week in English we will continue to look at informal letters. Thank you for all the photos of your interesting and informative postcards. We have really enjoyed reading them!

This week we would like you to write a thank you letter. How about writing one to your mums and dads, thanking them for all their help with learning at home and making your lockdown experience as fun as possible? Look again at the power point below. You will see there is an example of a thank you letter, and you are shown how to write one step-by-step.

You can use the lined letter template to write your letter if you wish. Use these links to help.

These links will help you

Lined letter template

Informal letter power point

Send your thank you letters to

We really look forward to reading them!

Please use your Spelling Shed logins to practise – we’ve uploaded this week’s words.

Miss Booth’s Spelling Group

want, watch, waddle, squash, quantity, qualify, word, work, worm, worthy, worldwide, worst

Miss Thompson’s Group –

 Prefix ‘bi’ and ‘re’

Mrs Stephens’ Group –

Long ‘ai’ sound spelt  with ‘ey’

Mrs Wicks’ Group –

Y for I sound

Fun ways to practice spellings


Reading to and listening to your child read is so important. Please could you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. The reading material can be anything from books, comics, game instructions to food labelling. This can still be recorded in your child’s reading record and initialled.

The BBC Bitesize website has super lesson ideas which the children can dip in and out of – Have a look Identifying adverbs this week  (27th April) at You can also look at identifying pronouns, nouns and adjectives for excellent revision!

Miss Thompson’s Maths Group

Have a look at the White Rose home learning page and complete Summer week 3 each day.

Could you also practice your  x8  table?


Miss Booth’s Maths Group

Have a look at the White Rose home learning page and complete Summer week 3 each day.

Remember to practice your times tables and addition/subtraction facts. You could use Maths Shed to help you do this!





This week we are looking at how to use a compass and a map to find our way around.

Look at the BBC Bitesize Home Learning site and find the Geography lesson from 21st April. Watch the videos and read the text to see how to do this. The online activity will help you learn the different points of a compass.

Have a go at drawing a treasure map of your garden or your bedroom! Hide something precious and mark the location on your map. Can someone else use your map to find the treasure? Can you use compass directions to tell them which way to go?

Helping Plants Grow Well

This week in science we are looking at roots and stems, and how water is transported through a plant. Look at Roots Activity sheet

How do stems transport water from the roots to the leaves of a plant? Take a careful look at a slice through a celery stem. Can you see the tiny dots? These are the tubes that carry the water up the stem from the roots to the rest of the plant! How can we prove this? Take some leafy celery stems and cut the bottom 1-2 cm off. Place the stems in a jug of water with lots of food colouring and observe carefully to see what happens. Remember to record exactly what you have done and predict what you think will happen next. When you see some changes record these accurately too. You could also draw a diagram to show your results or send a photo for our gallery.

In school we have been completing the daily live workout by Joe Wicks at 9 – 9:30am. It’s a great way to start the day.

You can always catch up with the live recordings later or look at his 5 or 8 minute workouts on his YouTube Channel

You may also want to look at doing some children’s Yoga to give a peaceful moment to your day. ( -



Other ideas:

Take the time to read a good book.

Why not find an article on Newsround ( and have a chat with a parent/carer about it to find out their point of view.

Don’t forget, if you want more ideas for things to do, there are a whole range of activities on the school website. There are also lots of links to other websites, broadcasts, and resources for you to make the most of.

We have particularly been enjoying David Walliams weekday stories and having Audible, full of lots of great e-books/audio books, available for free.

There’s also the weekly Lego challenge on the school website, we look forward to seeing the results.

Note for parents/carers:

We have had lots of very positive feedback from children completing their work at home and it has been great to see the fruits of their labours via e-mail.

We recognise this is a very different time for everyone and we’ve had some messages asking about how to organise the day. For more information about this, have a look at our school website (

Don’t forget, you can always share work with us using or you could create a scrap book of all your child’s work as a record of their home school journey.

We realise this is also an extremely stressful time for many families, so if getting work done is tricky, please do not worry about it; there are no deadlines! The most important thing is to look after your family and yourself, and research shows that if nothing else, reading everyday will help your child make progress.

Although the National Curriculum has been suspended, we would like to provide you with these activity ideas to keep the children on track and spark their interest in the topics we would have been looking at if we were at school. Don’t worry if your learning leads you to explore new areas! We’d love to know what you find out.