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Admissions Policy



The Governors plan to admit 60 pupils to Year 3 every September. This published admission number has been agreed between the Governors and the Local Authority. The Governors of aided schools are responsible for the Admissions Policy which is submitted annually to the Diocesan Director of Education and to the Local Authority.

In accordance with legislation the allocation of places for children with the following will take place first: Education, Health and Care Plan (Children and Families Act 2014) naming the school on the plan. Remaining places will be allocated in accordance with this policy.

Where there are more applications than places available, the Governors will admit pupils according to the following criteria, in order of priority. All children will be considered equally at the time the allocations are made regardless of where they have listed this on their application form.

1) Looked after children and previously looked after children including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted;

2) Children living within the geographical area bounded by the combined civil and ecclesiastical parish boundaries of Nettleham (a map is available at Nettleham Parish Council or via this link;

3) Children who have siblings currently attending the school and who will still be attending at the time a place is required;

4) Where there is evidence and expression of a clear religious affiliation. This will be assessed using the following criteria:

a) Children are faithful and regular worshippers at a Christian Church.

(Applicants are asked to provide written evidence of their commitment from their priest or minister) (Regular will be defined as at least once a month)

b) Children are practising members of another faith and their families would like them to attend a Christian school because of its religious emphasis and ethos.

(Applicants are asked to provide written evidence of their commitment from a recognised religious leader).

5) Other children.


If any of the criteria are oversubscribed, the final tie-break will be straight line distance with the child living nearest being offered the place. If two or more children are tied for the last place, a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the school or working in the Children’s Service Directorate at the Local Authority.

COVID-19 - EMERGENCY CLARIFICATION ON 2023 - 2024 ADMISSIONS POLICY RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION CRITERION To check applications applying under the religious affiliation criterion of the school admissions policy, governors seek documented evidence that the child has, for the past two years (preceding the date of their application), attended at least a monthly service at a church or place of worship. Because of the Covid-19 situation, these arrangements will only apply to the period when the church or place of worship has been available for public worship (for the past two years preceding the date of application) and not during their temporary closure under the Coronavirus Act.”  



The Admissions Policy was determined by the Governors on 16th October 2020 with COVID clarification and revised criteria one and definition agreed on 15th July 2021